Mar 2021

Robbya R. Green-Weir

Fabulous Over 40

Do whatever you need to do to make it hard for them to tell you “no”.

Meet Robbya R. Green-Weir

When Robbya called us to chat about her nomination to Fabulous 40, we were so happy to hear her warm and excited voice on the other end of the phone! She is one of the most intelligent and determined women we have met! Her story is empowering and inspiring!

What is your background? What helped to shape you into the woman you are today?

“I was born and raised in Detroit, MI by a hard-working single mother.  My father moved to Washington, DC to get stable employment when I was around 10 years old but he remained active in my life.  Education was important to my parents.  I am the only descendent in my family with a doctorate from a paternal grandfather with only a third-grade education.  In fact, I had decided to quit the doctoral program at Eastern Michigan University until I visited my father and he shared this information.  I never had a goal beyond a bachelor’s degree.  I was blessed to have mentors who encouraged me to pursue advanced degrees and to work for organizations that paid for my education.

I initially thought I was going to be a CPA but did not perform well at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor in accounting and economics and changed my curriculum to speech pathology and audiology.   My career began as a speech pathologist for the mentally challenged although my interest was in audiology.  When the then governor transferred this population to the community I was laid off and I sought to pursue a degree in audiology because I could no longer work as a speech pathologist with a bachelor’s degree.  I worked with a financial planner doing medical billing and accounting for physician clients and enjoyed the work.  That changed the trajectory of my career.  I found a program at Central Michigan in Health Services Administration.  From this, I have held administrative positions as an office manager in a neuro-rehabilitation medical center, a contract specialist in a health maintenance organization, community research for a health system, as a corporate director over collaborations and partnerships, corporate director over diversity and inclusion, and now higher education training and developing students in the health administration field.

My mother is deceased and I am the only child of my parents.  My father married again and I have 6 siblings from that union.  I feel loved by relatives and extended family.  I have been married more than once, in part due to poor choices and questionable self-esteem issues.  But I emerged wiser, and more self-assured and would not trade those experiences if only because of the blessings of two beautiful and talented sons.

I find it interesting that I don’t view 64 as I thought I would when I was younger.  Life for me now is like a blank canvas that I can paint the picture I want to see.”

What is your profession?

“Assistant Professor at Florida A & M University, School of Allied Health Sciences, Division Health Care Management”

What are your achievements and/or hobbies?

“I am a member of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. Sorority, member of the Leviticus Praise Dance Ministry, and New Mt. Zion AME.”

What is your personal motto?

Always have options”

What is something that matters to you?

“My 90-year-old father, my two adult sons, and my three grandchildren.”

What quote defines you?

Do whatever you need to do to make it hard for them to tell you “no”.”

What advice would you give to your eighteen-year-old self?

When you make mistakes don’t let them define you.”

What would you like your legacy to be?

That I helped to fill the pipeline to the C-Suite with minorities and women in Health Administration.”

What are three words that define you?

Intelligent, Loyal, and Compassionate”

What have you enjoyed most about your Fabulous 40 over 40 session?

It was fun, exciting, and I saw myself from a different perspective!”

Robbya, we enjoyed having you in the studio, and thank you for sharing your story! We love that you were able to see yourself from a different perspective and this is our hope for all women who participate that they will see their beauty that others already see!

Would you like to participate in our Fabulous 40 over 40 special promotion and have the opportunity to share your story? We would love for you to join us!! Click here to contact us!! Fabulous 40 over 40 Special Promotion

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